In places where water shortage is an issue, people are highly encouraged to install a rainwater collection system in their homes. Rainwater harvesting plays a huge role in the “green movement” by helping us conserve water and providing us with a lot of environmental benefits.
Yes, it does not only help us save our environment but has also helped us save more money on our water bills. However, installing one needs careful planning. There are things to keep in mind before and during the installation process. One important thing you have to take into consideration is the quality of your rainwater storage tank. A poor quality water tank can greatly compromise the efficiency of your overall rainwater system.
When buying a rainwater storage tank, make sure to only get yours from a highly reputable water tank shop. Once you have guaranteed the quality of your storage tank, the next thing you need to do is properly install it. If you’re planning to build one on your own at home, here are easy steps to follow for installing an efficient system without any hassle.
Step One – The first thing you need to do is prepare all the materials needed for the project. What you need to have is a storage tank or barrel that can store up to at least 55 gallons of water, ¾ inch hose fitting, 2ft. X ¾ inch PVC pipe, 3-4 inch soil pipe hub, 3 cinder blocks, ¾ inch 90 degree elbow, ¾ inch threaded adapter, flex-elbow downspout, tube caulk, gutter strainer, 2 cans of spray paint(optional), hole saw, half-round bastard file, hammer, nail, measuring tape and a caulk gun. The size of your tank really depends on the amount of water the entire household needs. If you want to get an accurate calculation of the tank size that would best fit your needs, you can try calculating it online.
Step Two – Next, consider washing your tank or rain barrel first. Keep it free from residue and thoroughly clean the insides of it to remove any substances that may contaminate the rainwater in the future.
Step Three – Using a hole saw, cut a hole through it preferably on the top portion for the downspout. For a clean cut, you can use a circular figure with a circumference size that fits your soil pipe hub and a permanent marker to make a guideline for the size of the hole. Trace the opening of the figure on top of the barrel with the marker. Follow the guideline as you cut the hole.
Step Four – After which, take the soil pipe hub and then insert it through the hole. Then, turn the barrel on its side. From its bottom, measure 2.5 inches then make a slight indent using a hammer and a nail. Line your hole saw right over the indent you just made, use it as a start point for the hole you will create. Carefully and tightly hold the barrel making sure it does not slip out while you start cutting through it.
Step Five – Once you’ve made the second hole, gently file around it at least three times using your half-round bastard file. Place in the hose fitting, spin it clockwise making sure that it is tightly snug and fit in the hole to avoid any leaking.
Step Six – Make another hole for the overflow port. Turn the barrel on its side and then mark 2 inches down from its top. Create another slight indent using a hammer and a nail. Drill another hole through it starting at the indent. Lightly file through the opening,then insert the 90 degree elbow and then thread it right after.
Step Seven – Attach now the threaded adapter together with the PVC pipe. Seal all the fittings using a tube caulk ensuring there are no leaks. Leave the silicon to dry. To improve the appearance of your barrel and add some style, you may paint it if you want to.
Step Eight – Position all the cinder blocks forming a triangle shape. Then place the drum on top of the blocks. Pick which downspout from one of your gutters will you use for the system, you can choose any. Add an extension to it so that you can connect it to your collection barrel. Mark the fitting, cut it with a hacksaw and fit together the existing downspout with the extender. Make sure to direct the extender to the soil pipe. Secure all the fittings. To keep debris from getting into your gutter, you can place a strainer or protection at the opening of your gutter.